Minecraft PE (Test version)

14:59, 06.10.2022
Minecraft PE (Test version)

The beta version Minecraft includes various enhancements for gameplay. To ensure a smoother experience, the developers have fixed several bugs, allowing for a more seamless survival mode. Additionally, players now have the ability to customize the cache settings on their own.

What’s New in Minecraft

Скачать Майнкрафт на Андроид (Тестовая версия) | The Wild Update

You can now clear the purchase cache from the Store. This feature is implemented to ensure the functionality of downloaded maps for Minecraft is not compromised. The option to adjust text character transparency has been temporarily removed. In MCPE, the following issues have been fixed:

  • Copying coordinates and displaying buttons
  • Scrolling through trades on mobile devices
  • Taking no damage while moving through berry bushes
  • Resolved texture errors

You can download the beta version of Minecraft for free. Good luck!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.19, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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