Minecraft Beta

16:04, 26.11.2024
Minecraft Beta

Details about Minecraft Preview and Beta

These versions are still in development, meaning they may be unstable and do not always reflect the quality of the final release. Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS devices. For more information, you can visit aka.ms/PreviewFAQ. The beta version is available for Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta program, please refer to the instructions provided at aka.ms/JoinMCBeta.

A new beta and preview version is out! We highly appreciate your feedback on the new features, which you can provide at aka.ms/mcgamedropfeedback. Report any bugs or issues you find at bugs.mojang.com. Here are the updates for this week:

New Features and Bug Fixes

Winter Update

Pale Garden
  • Adjusted the size and positioning of Pale Moss patches.
  • Pale Moss patches are now larger during natural generation.
  • Pale Moss patches can now generate naturally without needing to be adjacent to Pale Oak.
  • Reduced the amount of Tall Grass in Pale Moss patches.
  • Increased the density of Pale Oak trees to match the Java edition.
  • Flowers and mushrooms no longer spawn in this biome.
  • The sky in this biome is now fully gray instead of having a blue horizon (MCPE-187291).
  • The color of Stripped Pale Oak Logs is now brighter to match the other wood types (MCPE-187289).
  • Pale Oak saplings now grow with Hanging Pale Moss but do not generate a Moss patch at their base.
  • Fixed a missing pixel issue in the Pale Oak Sign UI (MCPE-187304).
  • The textures of Pale Oak Signs and Hanging Signs have been updated to match the woodset (MCPE-187294).
  • The texture of the Pale Oak Boat with Chest has been revised for consistency with other chest boats.
  • Pale Moss Carpets no longer appear to float in the player’s hand in third-person view.
Creaking Heart
  • The Creaking Heart with Pale Oak support will deactivate if the Creaking entity is despawned via commands.
  • Creaking Heart data is no longer retained when copying the block in Creative Mode.
  • The Creaking Heart is now immovable by pistons.
  • Creaking Heart can no longer be used as fuel.
  • When spawning or despawning, Creaking Heart emits vibrations from the Creaking entity’s position.

Accessibility Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with haptic feedback on iOS devices (MCPE-145524).

Blocks and Items

Developer Note: We have addressed several issues with tools incorrectly affecting the speed or type of item drops from certain blocks. As a result, blocks that drop upon breaking support will now drop when mined with any tool.

  • The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe: Blast Furnace, Cauldron, Dispenser, Dropper, Enchanting Table, Furnace, Hopper, and Smoker (MCPE-33950).
  • Blocks requiring support now always drop when broken with any tool: Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate.
  • Budding Amethyst now mines more slowly if using an improper tool.
  • Blocks that always drop are now mined faster even with an incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an “always drops block” even though it doesn’t drop itself when mined (MCPE-176374).

Gameplay Changes

  • The kill command or any damage equal to or greater than the current life of an entity will now successfully eliminate it in game versions below 1.18.20.
  • Zombified Piglins that spawn through Nether Portals now have a 15-second cooldown before they can use a Portal again.

Graphical Updates

  • Textures with multiple variations will now load PBR texture data (MCPE-174191).


  • Updated the item texture for Heavy Core.


  • Added a loading indicator when changing active realm slots to prevent the issue of players accidentally opening multiple Realm Slot Settings screens by pressing the Edit World button multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where game mode and difficulty settings were not retained after uploading or replacing a world in Realms Slot.
Realm Events
  • Added a new event related to mobs in Realms.


  • Adjusted the volume and pitch for breaking, hitting, placing, falling, stepping, and landing sounds for the Amethyst Block.

User Interface Updates

  • Repositioned the paper doll to avoid overlapping UI elements (MCPE-186341).
  • Mobile devices: switching to windowed/split-screen mode no longer erases the saved positions of customized controls (MCPE-185964).
  • Improved the rendering of Thai fonts for chat and signs (MCPE-166005).
  • Removed the “New Bed Screen” toggle from video settings (Preview only).
  • Added missing quick swap animations in the GUI for various blocks.
  • Bundles moved under a player’s cursor now correctly update their tooltips.

Technical Updates

API Updates
  • Added the beforeEvents object to the @minecraft/server-net module version 1.0.0-beta, which includes two events:
    • packetReceive: Triggered when the server receives a network packet from a client. If canceled, the packet is ignored.
    • packetSend: Triggered when the server sends a network packet to a client. If canceled, the packet will not be sent.
  • Added a new field “ambient_occlusion_exponent” to the blocks.json file schema in resource packs, replacing the deprecated “brightness_gamma” field.
Editor Updates
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Quick Panel from being draggable using the drag icon on its header.
  • Fixed a bug where dropdown menus would open incorrectly within a scrollable pane.
  • Improved overflow handling for menu bars, collapsing excess items into a menu, and enhanced submenu positioning to fit within window boundaries.
  • Improved persistent settings storage; the editorOptions.txt file is now located in the editor subfolder within the AppData directory.
  • Enhanced visibility of viewport focus with an animated outline, and added a focused state as part of Toggle Mode (CTRL + TAB).
  • Added a focusToolInputContext function to IModalToolContainer, allowing for modal input focus, such as the viewport for the tool rail.

User Interface

  • Fixed a typo in an advanced tip for worlds using resource packs.

Experimental Technical Updates

  • Added a new lookAt method for entities, allowing them to rotate and face a specified target location.
  • Enum InputMode: Removed the Undetermined entry.
  • Class InputInfo: Now throws EngineError instead of Error in the event of an internal failure.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Beta ОS: Android

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