Minecraft (Beta version)

15:08, 10.04.2019
Minecraft (Beta version)

You can now download the latest beta version of Minecraft for Android at no cost. This update introduces new blocks, enables pillager raids, and fixes numerous bugs.

Обновления в Майнкрафт на Андроид

Minecraft (Beta version)

In Minecraft version, the mechanics of raider attacks have been slightly adjusted. Now, when entering a village with a bad reputation effect, raids can be triggered. Additionally, a new command “/mobevent” has been introduced to enable or disable these raids. Other updates in this version include:

  • The following features are no longer hidden behind the experimental gameplay toggle: The Ravager, Fletching Table, Smithing Table, Pillager Outposts, new villages, village inhabitants, zombie villagers, and Sweet Berries.
  • The spawning of cats in villages has been modified in Minecraft 1.11.0: The number of cats is now equal to 1/4 of the total number of beds available.

    Minecraft (Beta version)
  • The wandering trader’s behavior has been improved, making him smarter.
  • Villagers now heal while sleeping in MCPE
  • Water potions can now be used to extinguish fires.
  • Numerous crashes in Minecraft have been fixed across various devices, including Windows 10, Xbox One, and Android.
  • A bug that caused players to suffocate upon spawning in the world has been resolved.
  • Players can once again pass through End portals without suffocating and will no longer experience world loading issues.
  • Berry bushes in Minecraft on Android are once again prickly.
  • Players using virtual reality controllers will no longer experience flying after swimming.
  • Village structures have been corrected, particularly concerning houses.
  • Villagers will now seek shelter indoors during rain (including at their workplaces).
  • After exiting a boat in Minecraft, mobs will no longer spin uncontrollably.

In the latest update of Minecraft, several bugs related to blocks, graphics, user interface, command confirmation icons, and certain mobs and their behaviors have also been addressed.

Minecraft (Beta version)

Get the complete version of Minecraft 1.11.0.

Скачать Майнкрафт на Андроид

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Скачать Minecraft для (Android) (Бета версия)

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.11, Bedrock Edition, Beta ОS: Android

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