Minecraft (Full version)

21:37, 15.04.2020
Minecraft (Full version)

It turned out that the buzzing of bees after their introduction was accompanied by errors. By downloading Minecraft PE 1.14.60 on your phone, you can eliminate the issues present in earlier versions. Additionally, split-screen mode is once again functional – the game runs more smoothly.

What has been fixed in Minecraft 1.14.60

The full version of Minecraft Bedrock has delighted users with a list of fixes:

  • After the update, the launcher starts without any issues
  • A critical error when returning to the main menu has been resolved
  • The cause of freezing in split-screen mode has been eliminated
  • Crashes on Nintendo consoles have been addressed
  • The release version accurately detects the device’s memory capacity
  • The false notification about insufficient memory has been resolved
  • If you choose to download Minecraft version 1.14.60 for free from us, logging into your Microsoft account will be seamless
  • The content in the Store displays correctly, including mods and maps
  • Special characters have been fixed – they no longer have bugs when used
  • The functionality of commands in the Realms service has been corrected
  • Changes have been made to the animation of bees

To keep you entertained, here are some interesting facts about the game. For instance, creepers were created due to a mistake. While trying to design a pig, the developers mixed up the code and ended up with something else. Eventually, the mob acquired its distinctive appearance and explosive ability.

  • It is said that obsidian blocks cannot be broken by hand. Nonsense – it takes 4 minutes to break them. Of course, they do not drop for the player.
  • The hieroglyphs on the enchantment table correspond to the English alphabet; you can find the translation online.
  • Try naming a sheep “jeb_” – the animal will start to shimmer in various colors.
  • Occasionally, iron golems may gift flowers to villagers. This is a nod to the classic anime “Castle in the Sky.”
  • Have you noticed that the End portal is often filled with Ender Eyes? There is a minuscule chance, about one in a trillion, that the portal will be filled with all blocks.
  • The game (including the release of Minecraft 1.14.60 for Android, which is now available for download in Russian) is one of the most significant games in history. Its area is seven times larger than that of our planet and only twice smaller than Neptune. This calculation takes into account the proper world generation from the character’s spawn point.
  • In the early version of the game, there were massive zombies. It was intended for them to deal seventeen points of damage and have fifty hearts of health.
  • Redstone was not initially planned to be included. The game utilized gears that functioned only in a vertical manner.
  • A long time ago, before enchantments were introduced, skeletons dropped quivers of arrows. These could be used for infinite shooting with a bow.
  • The durability of an item decreases more rapidly if it is used for purposes other than its intended function.
  • Unlike many developers, the creators of Minecraft Bedrock Edition have always been transparent about their process. In fact, they actively sought detailed feedback from the game’s players. One of the studio’s key figures, Markus Persson, has openly admitted that the sandbox’s popularity is largely due to luck.

The working build of the game was developed over six days. Despite its success, the version that came closest to completion took two years, and in Minecraft 1.14.60, the cubic world took on the familiar appearance we know today. That’s the story, and you can still download the update for your phone for free via the link below. Good luck!

Download Minecraft 1.14.60

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.14, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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