The very first update released in 2020 was Minecraft for Android! Shortly after the holidays, the developers got to work and quickly addressed several bugs that were present in version 1.14.2.
Fixes in the New Version
Players consistently provide feedback regarding crashes in Minecraft, and the developers take this seriously, resulting in fewer crashes in the game. Additionally, other issues have been resolved:
- The game will no longer crash in version when a player with a split screen joins a game on Nintendo Switch.
- Placing a compass and locator map in the crafting grid will no longer cause a crash.
- Passing through the Void portal with another object in Minecraft Bedrock Edition should no longer cause crashes.
- Loading the “Extreme Speed Runner” world on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will no longer result in Minecraft crashing.
- Fixed an issue with text display in the Marketplace.
Based on this brief list of updates, a new release should be coming soon, and in the meantime, you can download the beta version of Minecraft
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