Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0

16:34, 13.12.2015
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0

Reality Revolx is an impressive set of shaders designed for Minecraft Pocket Edition, enhancing the world with vibrant new color contrasts. The Reality Revolx shaders completely transform water textures, making them softer with smooth transitions, and you will also notice gentle, visually pleasing waves on the surface.

The swamp has undergone changes as well; the swamp texture now appears more delicate and fluid, while the transition from swamp water to regular water looks simply stunning. Additionally, these shaders come with shadow features. If you spot a towering mountain in the air, it will cast a shadow onto the ground or its supporting hill.Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0
Shaders Reality Revolx 0.13.1/0.13.0

How to Install Reality Revolx Shaders:

  • Download the shaders.
  • Open BlockLauncher Pro.
  • Click on the wrench icon.
  • Go to BL Settings.
  • Enable texture support.
  • Navigate to Texture Pack and click Import.
  • Locate the downloaded shaders in your device’s file system and select them.
  • Enjoy your newly installed textures!

Скачать шедеры Reality Revolx
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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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