CSBE Shaders

15:32, 19.06.2022
CSBE Shaders

Shaders known as CSBE are suitable for both mid-range and high-end devices in Minecraft on Android. They enhance weather effects, lighting, the sky, and introduce a variety of intriguing features.

Appearance of CSBE Shaders

Ночь | Шейдеры CSBE

Под водой | Шейдеры CSBE

This creation does not alter the textures or resolution in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, maintaining a vanilla experience. Upon installing the shaders, you can expect the following enhancements in the game:

  • Rain fog effects
  • New font styles
  • Enhanced panoramic views
  • A stunning Nether realm in MCPE
  • Richer orange hues
  • Refined End cities
  • Shadows for blocks and trees

Небо | Шейдеры CSBE

Дом в деревне | Шейдеры CSBE

This package is installed in the usual way, and it includes two types of shaders – one for mid-range devices and another for high-performance ones. Enjoy your gaming experience!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры CSBE (.zip)

Скачать CSBE
Download [6.40 Mb] downloads: 89

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18 ОS: Android

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