RGB LIGHT shaders

06:00, 30.07.2020
RGB LIGHT shaders

Are you tired of the standard lighting in vanilla Minecraft, or do you wish to create a light effect reminiscent of a rainbow? The RGB LIGHT (KZS Lighting) shaders introduce a rainbow effect by incorporating new colors into the illumination!

This shader features 20 different colors that collectively produce smooth and pleasant lighting for your surroundings. You can combine this add-on with other shaders to experiment with light and achieve the best visuals.

Lava.RGB LIGHT shaders Torch.RGB LIGHT shaders Fire.RGB LIGHT shaders Lantern.RGB LIGHT shaders Sea Lantern.RGB LIGHT shaders Sea Cucumber.RGB LIGHT shaders Campfire.RGB LIGHT shaders Pumpkin.RGB LIGHT shaders Beacon.RGB LIGHT shaders Redstone Lamp.RGB LIGHT shaders Glowstone. RGB LIGHT shaders If you’re unsure about adding these shaders to Minecraft, check out the demo video![media=https://youtu.be/5–BkU-eQXc]

Installing RGB LIGHT (.mcpack)

  • Download the shaders labeled as “.mcpack” from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the shaders into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
  • For your world, apply the imported:
    Resource Packs.
  • Select the imported shaders in each section.
  • It is advisable to restart the Minecraft PE game client afterward.
  • Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the shaders!

Installation of RGB LIGHT (.zip):

  • Download the shaders.
  • Create a folder named «resource_packs» in the directory «games/com.mojang/».
  • Next, extract the shaders from the archive and move only the folder from this archive into the «resource_packs» folder.
  • Go to the settings of Minecraft, then navigate to texture management.
  • Select your shaders.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры RGB LIGHT (.mcpack)
Download [111.33 Kb] downloads: 217

Старая установка (.zip файл)

Скачать шейдеры RGB LIGHT
Download [111.33 Kb] downloads: 34

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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