Shaders Inception 0.14.2/0.14.0

19:21, 15.03.2016
Shaders Inception 0.14.2/0.14.0

Inception Shaders are groundbreaking shaders created by the developer stduhpf. He has previously released several versions of similar shaders that transform the typical perspective on the world. The first shader is called Parabolic, and the second one is Hallucination. We encourage you to explore all three shader versions to determine which one suits you best. At the very least, Inception shaders certainly deserve recognition as top-tier options. Below, you can view visual representations awaiting you after installing the Inception shader.
Inception Shaders 0.14.2/0.14.0
Inception Shaders 0.14.2/0.14.0
Inception Shaders 0.14.2/0.14.0
Inception Shaders 0.14.2/0.14.0
Inception Shaders 0.14.2/0.14.0

How to Install Inception Shader:

  • Download the shaders.
  • Open BlockLauncher Pro.
  • Click on the wrench icon.
  • Go to BL Settings.
  • Enable texture support.
  • Navigate to Texture Pack and click Import.
  • Now locate the downloaded shaders in your device’s file system and select them.
  • Enjoy your newly installed textures!

Скачать шейдеры Inception
Download [2.98 Kb] downloads: 17

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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