CSRS shaders

14:15, 25.08.2022
CSRS shaders

CSRS Shaders are not complete shaders, to be clear. This type of resource pack is currently unsupported in Minecraft Bedrock Edition due to the return of RenderDragon. However, it effectively serves its intended purpose.

Features of the CSRS Resource Pack

Трава | Шейдеры CSRS

In Minecraft PE, you can experience:

  • Realistic sky textures
  • Breathtaking sunrises and sunsets
  • High-quality sun and moon visuals
  • Excellent lighting effects
  • Soft shadows
  • No visible borders on glass blocks in MCPE
  • Gentle color gradients

Небо | Шейдеры CSRS

The only thing that shaders lack is the swaying of vegetation in Minecraft Pocket Edition. To conserve resources, the creator chose not to include this feature, and it’s unlikely to be added in the future. This creation maintains a vanilla texture resolution of 16×16 pixels, making it suitable for version 1.19. Good luck!

Рассвет | Шейдеры CSRS

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры CSRS (.mcpack) [Обязательно!]

Скачать CSRS
Download [2.01 Mb] downloads: 28

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18, 1.19 ОS: Android

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