Shaders Ale

13:34, 02.09.2023
Превью шейдеров | Шейдеры Ale

The Ale shaders will enable you to enhance the visuals and lighting of Minecraft. They are suitable for smartphone use.
With Ale shaders, the graphics and lighting in Minecraft Bedrock will see a substantial improvement. The creator of these shaders has implemented numerous modifications across various graphical elements of the game.

Features of Ale Shaders

Превью шейдеров | Шейдеры Ale

With the Ale shaders in Minecraft on Android, a lot will change:

  • Day and night lighting
  • Illumination and shadows
  • Textures for the moon and sun
  • Enhanced colors
  • A beautiful and realistic sky in MCBE
  • Movement of leaves and water
  • Fog and improved rain effects
  • Light from torches

Игра днем | Шейдеры Ale

Игра ночью | Шейдеры Ale

Shaders are designed to function on all smartphones, requiring just 1 GB of RAM and compatible with any version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Enjoy your gaming experience!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10
Скачать шейдеры Ale (Старая версия) (.mcpack)

Скачать Ale
Download [1.63 Mb] downloads: 535

Скачать шейдеры Ale (Новая версия) [Обязательно!] (.mcpack)

Скачать Ale
Download [1.24 Mb] downloads: 660

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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