Shaders Rebirth

08:10, 15.08.2024
Shaders Rebirth

Download the Reborn MC shaders for Minecraft Bedrock Edition to achieve a well-balanced graphics experience.

The custom Reborn MC shaders are compatible with RenderDragon in Minecraft and introduce numerous features that enhance visual balance.

Benefits of Reborn MC Shaders

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Typically, shaders tend to consume precious frame rates in Minecraft PE, but in this instance, the situation is quite the opposite. To put it differently, they don’t devour performance; rather, they slightly nibble at it. However, this minor trade-off is worth it for the stunning appearance of the blocky world in Minecraft on Android. Here’s what this add-on has to offer:

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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