Shaders Daep v1.0

07:00, 24.10.2020
Shaders Daep v1.0

Daep v1.0 (Даэп)” is a set of shaders that enhance the graphics of vanilla Minecraft, making it more lifelike. One of its key features is compatibility with lower-end devices.


  • Leaves and plants that sway in the wind.
  • Smoother shadows.
  • A stunning sky (during day, night, and even rain).
  • Enhanced moon and sun visuals.
  • And various other minor tweaks.

Shaders are not supported on Minecraft for PowerVR, iOS, and Windows 10 platforms.Shaders Daep v1.0 Shaders Daep v1.0 Shaders Daep v1.0 Shaders Daep v1.0 Shaders Daep v1.0

Installing Daep v1.0 (.mcpack)

  • Download the shaders marked with “.mcpack” from below.
  • Run the downloaded file to import the shaders into Minecraft.
  • Open Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
  • Set the imported:
    Resource Packs for your world.
  • Select the imported shaders in each section.
  • It is recommended to restart the Minecraft PE game client afterwards.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the shaders!

Installation of Daep v1.0 (.zip):

  • Download the shaders.
  • Create a folder named «resource_packs» in the directory «games/com.mojang/».
  • Next, extract the shaders from the archive and move only the folder from this archive into the «resource_packs» folder.
  • Go to the settings of Minecraft, then navigate to texture management.
  • Select your shaders.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Daep v1.0 (.mcpack)
Download [234.37 Kb] downloads: 60

Старая установка (.zip файл)

Скачать шейдеры Daep v1.0
Download [234.37 Kb] downloads: 12

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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