R-Drag shaders

11:32, 07.01.2023
R-Drag shaders

R-Drag shaders bring back classic graphical effects to the visuals of Minecraft on Android!
The R-Drag shaders are free from unnecessary embellishments – they look absolutely stunning in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The creator aimed to reintroduce the effects that were removed a few versions ago on mobile devices.

Features of R-Drag Shaders

While Render Dragon is impressive, it can sometimes become tiresome with its approach to shaders. Users have found ways to implement these effects for Minecraft PE that are far superior. Thus, R-Drag brings back some of those features into the game.

Превью шейдеров | Шейдеры R-Drag

There is only a single screenshot from Minecraft, which makes everything quite clear. The creation appears absolutely stunning! It functions in the game across multiple versions and is compatible with any platform. Good luck!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18, 1.19 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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