Shaders Mars

13:36, 23.09.2022
Shaders Mars

Mars Shaders offer a solid option for devices running Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Although they come in the form of a texture pack, they still provide all the essential visual effects.

Features of Mars Shaders

Улучшенная графика | Шейдеры Марс

The creator of the shaders envisioned what it would be like if the world of Minecraft Bedrock Edition were set on the “red” planet. The focus was primarily on color tones and lighting effects. Notably, Mars (Mars) lacks any additional animations, such as those for plants or significant water enhancements in MCPE. This results in a lightweight experience.

Улучшенная графика | Шейдеры Марс

The sky textures and bodies have been altered. Now the Moon resembles Earth (we’re on Mars!), and sunrises in Minecraft PE are truly stunning. Enjoy your gaming!

Улучшенная графика | Шейдеры Марс

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Mars (.mcpack) [Обязательно!]

Скачать Mars
Download [2.21 Mb] downloads: 39

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18, 1.19 ОS: Android

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