Parallax shaders

12:32, 28.03.2021
Parallax shaders

Recently, new shaders called Parallax were released for Minecraft. These shaders are the outcome of a project aimed at creating the most dynamic and user-friendly shaders. In the classic version of Minecraft, there are bright spots, dark areas, and blurriness that can be improved with this extension. Thanks to a static ray tracing method that underwent extensive testing, the developers achieved high-quality results.

Features of Parallax Shaders

The Parallax shaders offer enhanced lighting in Minecraft Bedrock Edition at any time of day. Additionally, the light will change with weather conditions.Parallax shaders Parallax shaders Water appears clearer, and textures look more realistic.Parallax shaders Parallax shaders Shadows will also change.Parallax shaders Parallax shaders Parallax shaders The size and shape of shadows will correspond to the objects casting them.Parallax shaders Parallax shaders Light emitted from sources will realistically illuminate surrounding items.Parallax shaders Parallax shaders These shaders are compatible with Minecraft Bedrock on platforms such as X-Box, Win10, and iOS. Please note that users on iOS may experience issues due to hardware limitations. Enjoy your gaming!

Update 1.3.1

  • Various bugs have been fixed.
  • Functionality has been enhanced.
  • The shaders have been updated to the latest game betas.

Installing Parallax (.mcpack)

  • Download the shaders labeled as “.mcpack” from below.
  • Run the downloaded file to import the shaders into Minecraft.
  • Open Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to world settings.
  • Set the imported:
    Resource Packs for your world.
  • Select the imported shaders in each section.
  • It is recommended to restart the game client of Minecraft PE afterward.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the shaders!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Parallax (.mcpack)
Download [2.29 Mb] downloads: 208

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.14, 1.16 ОS: Android

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  • Очень хороший шейдер,прям очень понравился особенно освящение прям <( ̄︶ ̄)>.+ Стало меньше лагов;>

  • Цитата: GamerОчень хороший шейдер,прям очень понравился особенно освящение прям <( ̄︶ ̄)>.+ Стало меньше лагов;>Не бот, это просто черные текстурыЦитата: KosNormНет

  • Шейдеры классные, вот только всё блоки раскрашены только с сев. и юж. стороны, остальные 4 стороны чёрные, как будто на них не падает свет.

  • Шейдеры очень хорошие я скачивал друга shader и он очень сильно лагал А этот не очень (у меня процессор неслабый)