Shaders Fishy’s Wonderful LEGACY

07:00, 26.08.2020
Shaders Fishy's Wonderful LEGACY

The creator of add-ons for Minecraft Fishy has decided to conclude his work in this field. As a farewell project, he developed the shaders titled Fishy’s Wonderful LEGACY. These shaders are built upon the original code, and those who appreciated the main release will surely enjoy these shaders.Shaders Fishy's Wonderful LEGACY Shaders Fishy's Wonderful LEGACY Shaders Fishy's Wonderful LEGACY Shaders Fishy's Wonderful LEGACY

Installation of Fishy’s Amazing LEGACY (.mcpack)

  • Download the shaders labeled as “.mcpack” from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the shaders into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
  • Assign the imported:
    Resource Packs to your world.
  • Select the imported shaders in each section.
  • It is advisable to restart the game client Minecraft PE afterwards.
  • Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the shaders!

Installation of Fishy’s Wonderful LEGACY (.zip):

  • Download the shaders.
  • Create a folder named «resource_packs» in the directory «games/com.mojang/».
  • Next, extract the shaders from the archive and move only the folder from this archive into the «resource_packs» folder.
  • Go to the settings of Minecraft, then navigate to texture management.
  • Select your shaders.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Fishy’s Wonderful LEGACY (.mcpack)
Download [10.27 Mb] downloads: 5

Старая установка (.zip файл)

Скачать шейдеры Fishy’s Wonderful LEGACY
Download [10.27 Mb] downloads: 1

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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  • Великолепные шейдеры! (Впрочем, как и всегда). Раньше скачивала релиз этих Шейдеров. Они мне ОЧЕНЬ понравились! А тут еще и эти.. просто превосходно :]