No Crafting or Mining

10:00, 24.10.2019
No Crafting or Mining

The Minecraft community is incredibly imaginative! In addition to crafting stunning builds and amazing mods daily, players also manage to push the boundaries of traditional gameplay! For instance, remember when players held a contest for the smoothest and longest staircase? Today’s featured player has discovered yet another intriguing way to play that essentially contradicts the core principles of the game.

The builder spikyhedgey decided to explore whether it’s possible to enjoy Minecraft without engaging in crafting or mining. As a true pioneer and innovator of this approach, he accepted the challenge and shared his secrets to success with us.

No Mining!

No Crafting or Mining “To acquire most of my armor and tools, I had to venture into villages. I raided quite a few houses since I had no other means of obtaining resources,” says the builder. “I also found shipwrecks to be an excellent source of iron.” To access desert temples, he decided to gather TNT left behind in wrecked ships. Once inside the temples, it’s not hard to find ample supplies of golden apples and deposits of iron.No Crafting or Mining However, TNT isn’t the only method for destruction. When needing to blow up a large object, spikyhedgey lured a Creeper over. This is the best option since it doesn’t require using any TNT at all.

“I needed to create a portal to the Nether. To do this, I required obsidian, which in turn needed lava. To gather some, I headed to the village since I had to get a bucket.”

To construct the portal, we were short on flint. Once again, creepers came to our rescue. “I discovered that a creeper’s explosion can yield flint from gravel. I gathered all the materials needed for the portal.” No Crafting or Mining “I was fortunate enough to have enough iron to craft a full set of iron armor and sufficient diamonds to create a diamond sword.” Thanks to the armor, he was able to defend himself against a blaze, but what about the End crystals that sustain the Ender Dragon? “Once again, luck was on my side as I managed to find an enchanted bow with infinity and unbreaking enchantments, so I had no reason to worry about arrows.”

“Upon reaching the Ender Dragon, I checked my water supplies, as they would assist me in extinguishing the flames emitted by the dragon. The battle was challenging, but I managed to emerge victorious.”No Crafting or Mining 

No Crafting!

No Crafting or Mining “In the no-mining mode, I had even better luck. Right from the start, I stumbled upon tools and six blocks of obsidian. To acquire more items, I decided to head to a village to trade with the locals.”

There, spikyhedgey encountered a friendly villager who was willing to trade 10 blocks of clay for a single emerald. As you might have guessed, this is how our builder earned all his emeralds, which he later exchanged for a complete set of armor and axes.No Crafting or Mining “I managed to find a bucket again, which I used to collect lava. After that, I started constructing the Nether portal in Minecraft Bedrock, using six pieces of obsidian I had found at the very beginning, along with that same bucket of lava.”

However, lacking the means to craft flint and steel, spikyhedgey had to resort to a less controlled method of igniting fire. “I placed several wooden logs around the base of the portal and waited for them to catch fire. Eventually, I managed to illuminate the entire portal.” No Crafting or Mining He intended to use snowballs to break the End crystals, but it didn’t work out since he couldn’t create a shovel. “I decided to take a different approach and killed some skeletons. I ended up with not many arrows—just 40. As a result, the best way to defeat the dragon was to wait for it on the ground and start my attack from there.”

According to him, the dragon is the most challenging aspect. It took 3.5 hours to complete without mining and 4.5 hours without crafting. In reality, that’s not too long considering the difficulty of obtaining items.

What’s the purpose of all this? “I just wanted to try something different, something beyond the standard gameplay.”

What lies ahead? Perhaps a playthrough of Minecraft without any movements? Or defeating the Ender Dragon without extra items? I’m excited for new ideas!

What lies ahead? Perhaps a playthrough of Minecraft without any movements? Or defeating the Ender Dragon without extra items? I’m excited for new ideas!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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