Inventory: Bell

10:00, 08.03.2020
Inventory: Bell

— Who’s there?
— Item of the week!
— Item what?
— Our item of the week is a bell!

Bells are a vital component in every village within Minecraft. They serve as the main gathering point for all traders, gossip, and also act as an alarm signal in case raiders attack the village. Bells were introduced in the “Village & Pillage” update last year. It turned out to be a very beneficial addition, as it could avert disastrous outcomes during raids on villages.Inventory: Bell When you ring the bell, all villagers will rush to their homes, where they will be safe. Additionally, ringing the bell during a raid causes all raiders to glow, making them easier to spot and eliminate.

In Minecraft, bells cannot be crafted by players; they naturally spawn in every village, typically located near the center. To collect a bell, you will need a pickaxe, as using any other tools will damage it.

If you prefer not to deprive the villagers of their alarm system, consider visiting the armorer and blacksmith. They might have what you’re looking for. However, be prepared to spend some resources, as bells are quite pricey. Inventory: Bell You may already be familiar with bells from the real world, so we won’t dwell on that too long. But did you know about their history? The oldest known bell dates back to the third millennium BC, made from ceramic in the Yangshao culture of Neolithic China. Metal bells emerged much later, around 2000 BC.

Currently, bells can be found in cultures all around the globe. The largest bell ever made is the Dhammazedi, which was stolen by the Portuguese from a temple but subsequently lost in a river. It is estimated to have weighed 300 tons. The second-largest bell is the Tsar Bell, located within the Kremlin in Moscow. In comparison to the Dhammazedi, the Tsar Bell is roughly half its size.

An interesting fact: the word for bell in English is “bell“, likely derived from the Old English verb “bellan“, meaning to roar or make a loud noise. So, during your next raid against thieves in Minecraft Bedrock, start shouting loudly. Then just take them out.

Published by: admin-planet

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