Exploring Biomes: River

11:05, 15.12.2021
Exploring Biomes: River

The ocean is a frightening place, vast and frigid. But what if I told you that in Minecraft, there exists another water source that is much shallower, warmer, and rich in valuable resources? Oh, are you already aware of rivers? Well, here comes my dramatic revelation. Regardless, I must share this information with you because it’s my duty.

Rivers became an integral part of Minecraft during the adventure update released in June 2011, which completely overhauled the terrain generation code. Of course, prior to this, the game featured bodies of water like oceans and lakes, but formally, rivers did not exist as a distinct biome.

In the game, rivers are generally easy to locate. They typically appear at the edges of land biomes, but it’s also common to find a river that traverses one or more larger biomes. Rivers are filled with water up to sea level, which means they can dry up in particularly mountainous areas. Being near a river offers certain advantages. Firstly, these locations tend to be quite safe, so you won’t have to worry about any laser-shooting one-eyed monsters approaching you. Seriously though, there are usually fewer hostile mobs around rivers, and you can always cross to the other side. However, watch out for drowned enemies; they spawn in the water and are completely unfriendly towards players.

Secondly, rivers are a fantastic source for gathering several essential resources such as sand, gravel, clay, seagrass, and sugar cane. If you enjoy fishing, you’ll find squids in the rivers, which can be used to create ink, along with salmon.

In cold biomes like the snowy tundra, rivers often freeze over with a layer of ice. Nearby, you may encounter rabbits and polar bears, so take care if you wish to avoid becoming a tasty treat for these animals. In Minecraft Bedrock, rivers appear randomly. However, in the real world, rivers typically originate from elevated areas and usually flow into the ocean, sometimes winding underground.

Although rivers account for only about 0.1% of the Earth’s surface, they play a crucial role in human civilization, with nearly all cities situated near them. Why is this the case? Because people require water for drinking, and rivers serve as an excellent source of abundant freshwater. Additionally, they are utilized for food production, transportation, delineation and protection of territories, energy generation, irrigation, bathing, and waste management.

Exploring Biomes: River

The most fascinating fact I know about rivers pertains to the largest river in the world — the Amazon. It used to flow in the opposite direction. The Amazon emerged a very long time ago, at least 65 million years back, when South America and Africa were still part of the same continent — Gondwana. Around that period, a mountain range in present-day Africa gave rise to a river that flowed westward across South America and emptied into the ocean there.

This was the case until the movement of tectonic plates occurred. Gondwana fractured, and the Amazon River, flowing through South America, split into two branches. One branch headed westward while the other went eastward. However, between 23 and 5 million years ago, another significant event took place. The Andes mountain range obstructed the river’s flow to the west, causing water to accumulate in a vast lake. Eventually, this led to the lake carving a path through the mountain range, allowing the Amazon River to divide once more and suddenly flow eastward.

The rivers in Minecraft do not boast such an extensive history; they remain static and tranquil. If you wish to swim in a flowing river, there are plenty of diverse mods available for you to explore!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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