Conversation with dolphins

06:00, 20.05.2018
Conversation with dolphins
We managed to communicate with dolphins! But why, how, and what did they tell us?

We’re all set for the upcoming Update Aquatic for Minecraft PE, and we’ve been gradually introducing new features in snapshots for the Java version and beta versions on other platforms. You can already dive into the ocean depths and meet the friendliest marine creatures in Minecraft Pocket Edition – dolphins.

As people began enjoying swimming with dolphins, we decided to reach out to one of the top sound engineers at Mojang – Samuel Aberg, to record authentic sounds from the creatures living in Kolmarden Wildlife Park.

“The dolphin trainer helped me interact with them,” Samuel shares. “She used various gestures so that the dolphins could understand me and respond. Until that moment, I had no idea how intelligent dolphins are: they can surprise you with a range of sounds, from whistles and clicks to claps and hisses. However, it’s important to know that their communications occur at much higher frequencies than we’re accustomed to hearing.”
Conversation with dolphins
Thus, our sound engineer had to use specialized equipment consisting of underwater microphones – hydrophones and a click detector that altered the frequency of the dolphins’ clicks to those audible to the human ear.

“These clicks are used by dolphins for navigation underwater,” explains Aberg. They possess a unique ability where the clicks they produce bounce back off objects or surfaces. This allows dolphins to determine distances and sizes of surrounding objects. In scientific terms, this capability is known as echolocation. “But personally, I’ve only heard creaking doors,” Samuel adds.

“The sounds made by dolphins were somewhat different from what I expected. Interestingly, they can produce these sounds not just through their mouths but also using a special organ called a ‘melon.’ I grew up thinking dolphins made noises similar to those in the movie Flipper, but it turned out those were merely kookaburra sounds!”
Conversation with dolphins
Despite this misconception, it inspired someone. Specifically, Dr. Mats Amundin, who declared after watching Flipper: “Now I know exactly what I’ll do when I grow up!” And yes, his dream came true; he now works at Kolmarden Wildlife Park. Who better than him to teach us how to understand dolphins?

However, it’s not that simple: translation has become a challenge for us.

Our sound engineer discovered that our communication with dolphins doesn’t extend beyond gestures and specific sounds proposed by biologist Louis Herman. Naturally, such sounds are far removed from what we consider language. Studying the work of prominent biologists in this field reveals one thing: dolphins have limited talent for communicating with humans.
Conversation with dolphins
The fact that we can’t find common ground with dolphins does not imply they’re unintelligent: “Dolphins have an excellent brain structure, which is significantly larger than ours. They are highly trainable and can solve many complex tasks.

So why do difficulties hinder dolphins from conversing with us?

“In my opinion, dolphins communicate in a completely different language, distinct from ours,” shares Dr. Amundin. “Our main theory suggests that dolphins convey emotions and social intentions among themselves. Their cohesion stands out remarkably. Their behavior reflects more of a ‘here and now’ approach rather than discussions about past events.”

Of course, theories need testing, so a large team of specialists is analyzing dolphin sounds using various devices and setups. Computer programs assess how specific commands influence dolphins’ relationships with each other. Through this, scientists establish connections in animal behavior.
Conversation with dolphins
Understanding dolphin communication is the primary goal of Dr. Amundin’s team. Yet another, possibly more significant issue, is the frequent entrapment of dolphins in fishing nets. “It’s crucial to understand how dolphins utilize their echolocation to reduce the likelihood of getting caught in nets, thereby aiding their survival.

Moreover, we will finally learn what dolphins communicate in Minecraft PE. This will be an exciting endeavor, as players will get to explore oceans and interact with dolphins!
Conversation with dolphins

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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