Block of the Week: Observer

10:00, 12.11.2017
Block of the Week: Observer

This is a fascinating feature that can be utilized to create various intriguing creations in Minecraft PE. Until recently, if you wanted to craft your own block update, it required complex redstone mechanisms for configuration. However, with the release of Minecraft PE 1.1, everything changed. The star of the week is the observer block!
Block of the Week: Observer

The observer is placed similarly to a piston, facing the block it interacts with. It’s not entirely omniscient; it has an arrow on top indicating the direction of the block. This can even include another observer, so if you place two pointing at each other, they will continuously emit a signal.

We won’t delve into the technical specifics of the block since we’re focusing only on the most essential and interesting information (you can find comprehensive details on Minecraft Wiki to read before bedtime). However, it’s important to note that the observer functions differently between Java Minecraft and the Bedrock version used on phones, tablets, and Windows 10.

This means they do not detect the same items. Both will recognize piston extensions and will uniquely identify them. In Java Edition, potions added to brewing stands are detectable, while this does not apply in MCPE.
Block of the Week: Observer

When the observer detects something, it emits a redstone signal lasting two game ticks. This can trigger red dust, comparators, repeaters, or anything else connected to it. They are excellent for keeping track of what’s happening in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Looking for more application ideas? We have plenty! You could set up detection for when a chest opens and closes, a furnace starts smelting, a cactus or sugar cane grows, an enderman steals resources from your base, or even when TNT ignites. You can create a system that alerts you when water freezes, ice melts, or when rails change orientation. You might even get notified if someone sneaks into your bed in MCPE.

These are just a few of our suggestions—what ideas do you have?

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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