A new mob appears: Turtle!

10:00, 15.01.2018
A new mob appears: Turtle!

A new mob appears: Turtle!

Turtles have made their way into the Minecraft universe!

This is a season for giving, and we hope that everyone can enjoy joyful holiday weekends with family and friends – who, more importantly, managed to gather some fantastic content from MCPE! Oh, did you only find coal in Minecraft PE? Again? For the tenth year in a row? Yes. It’s disappointing to hear that once more.

Wait, I have an idea! Here’s a gift from us – an announcement about a new mob’s arrival! Please give a warm welcome to the latest addition to the ecosystem in Minecraft PE: Coal! I mean, turtles!

A new mob appears: Turtle!

These lovely creatures with flippers will be swimming into MCPE very soon! They will then build their nests along the shores of various biomes, while baby turtles make their way down to the water.

The actual textures of the turtles are likely to change before we release them in Minecraft in 2018 alongside the rest of the updated aquatic features. Until then, enjoy this sneak peek, and Mojang wishes everyone happy holidays!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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