In the year 1945, the world of maps titled «Nacht Der Untoten (Night of the Undead)» is engulfed by a new wave of the “Epidemic 115” — a radioactive substance that transforms humans into incredibly powerful beings with supernatural abilities. You and a few other players in Minecraft are marines who have miraculously managed to avoid infection. I believe you know what needs to be done — find the cure and save the world!
It is recommended to play as a team of up to 4 players, as this increases your chances of victory and opens up more opportunities.Weapon Guide
- To fire, press the crouch button.
- To reload your weapon, access the Minecraft inventory and place ammunition next to the weapon you are using.
- You can find weapons on the game field. They are hidden in secret boxes, where one coin is equivalent to 100.
Secret Boxes:
- These contain weapons. To obtain them, you need to:
- Deposit 500 coins into the box.
- Wait for the music to stop playing and a light to appear.
- Open the box and collect your weapon.
- These act as bonuses that provide you with an advantage. You will need to pay for them.
In one file, you will find the map, while another contains textures and sound effects.
Installing the Nacht Der Untoten Map (.mcworld)
- Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.