Find the Button: Trail Map

16:27, 14.10.2024
Find the Button: Trail Map

Play the mini-game on the map Find the Button: The Path for Minecraft Bedrock Edition!
The map titled Find the Button: The Path presents a mini-game designed for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It serves as a fantastic alternative to vanilla survival in the blocky universe of the game.

What to Expect on the Find the Button: The Path Map

Превью карты | Карта Найти кнопку: Тропа

The creator of maps invites players to experience ten distinct levels in Minecraft Pocket Edition. These levels are arranged in a grid format, requiring you to complete each stage sequentially without skipping any. What sets this mini-game apart from others is the expansive area of the levels in Minecraft BE. Additionally, it is designed for solo play.

Превью карты | Карта Найти кнопку: Тропа

If you take a look at the screenshots, you’ll notice that they feature a custom texture pack. This pack is not included by default, but you can download any other one from our website to enhance your blocky world in Minecraft Bedrock. Good luck!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 ОS: Android / iOS / Windows

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