IDs of items and blocks in Minecraft PE 0.16.0/0.15.6

08:25, 25.09.2016
IDs of items and blocks in Minecraft PE 0.16.0/0.15.6

Many players of Minecraft Pocket Edition are in dire need of block and item IDs for Minecraft PE 0.16.0, 0.15.6, and earlier versions, which are not readily available anywhere. Our website has specifically created an article for those Minecraft Pocket Edition players who require knowledge of specific block and item IDs.

By using our site, you can discover the IDs for all blocks and items in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0, 0.15.6, and previous versions.

If you’d like to enlarge the image, click: here!Item and Block IDs in Minecraft PE 0.16.0/0.15.6

This publication contains all ID numbers for blocks and items in Minecraft for both the pocket edition and the PC version. The item IDs for both PC and PE versions of Minecraft are identical, so this list includes not only blocks and items from the PE version but also from the PC version of Minecraft.

As new items, tools, and blocks are introduced with each update of Minecraft Pocket Edition, the IDs remain the same as those on PC, which you can see above!

If was helpful to you, please leave a thank you in the comments! =)

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.16 ОS: Android

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