Zombie Pigman [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

08:47, 03.09.2016
Zombie Pigman [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will provide information on the zombie pigmen in Minecraft PE

Zombie Pigman is classified as a neutral mob (they won’t cause harm unless provoked by a player or another mob).

Zombie Pigman [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]
Zombie Pigman – a neutral mob found in the Nether. If you approach a zombie pigman, it will observe you for a few seconds before continuing on its way.

What about the spawn of these mobs? Zombie pigmen spawn in the Nether in groups of 4-10, or in the Overworld when a lightning strike hits a pig. They spawn with golden swords, which may have random enchants. The chance of encountering zombie pigmen with enchanted golden swords increases at higher difficulty levels. In the Overworld, they appear near portals to the Nether, and their spawn rate depends on the amount of obsidian used to create the portal. A larger portal results in more frequent spawns of zombie pigmen.
Zombie Pigman [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

Now, regarding the lightning mentioned earlier: a pig can transform into a zombie pigman if struck by lightning. Even if a baby pig is hit by lightning, an adult zombie pigman will still spawn.

And of course, let’s discuss the drops from these mobs upon death. When killed, zombie pigmen drop 0-1 rotten flesh and 0-1 gold nuggets. The enchantment “Looting” increases the drop quantity. The chances of obtaining gold ingots or a golden sword are 2.5% and 8.5%, respectively, if the zombie pigman is slain by a player. This probability rises by 1% per level of the “Looting” enchant. At maximum enchantment level, the chance for gold ingots increases to 5.5%, while that for a golden sword goes up to 11.5%. An adult zombie pigman yields 5 experience points, whereas a baby gives 12. All items held by a zombie pigman drop upon its demise.

Regarding aggression and behavior, a zombie pigman becomes hostile only when attacked, whether by you or any other entity (for instance, if hit by a ghast’s fireball). Attacking one zombie pigman causes all others within a 32-block radius to become hostile. If a player moves away from the group, waits a bit, or leaves and re-enters the Nether, the zombie pigmen will revert to being neutral.

Zombie pigmen are immune to lava and fire, meaning they catch fire but take no damage. However, a zombie pigman can drown in water.

Finally, here are some interesting facts:

  • In the pocket edition, zombie pigmen can break doors.
  • If a zombified piglin is killed in one hit (e.g., with a diamond sword enchanted with “Smite“), it won’t have time to call for help, leaving other zombified piglins neutral.
  • Zombie pigmen can be transported to the Overworld through a portal.
  • Iron golems attack zombie pigmen regardless of their behavior.
  • Zombie pigmen cannot be deceived by invisibility potions; they will still pursue the player if provoked.
  • Zombie pigmen can pick up armor and swords.
  • The green liquid in the skin of a zombie pigman was originally red blood but was changed due to user preferences for maintaining the traditional lack of blood in Minecraft.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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