Guardian [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

04:28, 31.08.2016
Guardian [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will provide information on the Guardian in Minecraft PE

Guardians are classified as hostile mobs (they attack players who enter their line of sight).

Guardian [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]
Guardians are a new type of mob introduced alongside ocean monuments in the game. They spawn exclusively within and around underwater structures. Each Guardian has 30 hp (15 hearts).

What about their dropped items? Regular Guardians have modest drops; upon defeating one, you may receive: 0-1 prismarine crystals, 0-2 prismarine shards, and 0-1 raw fish. When killed by a player or a tamed wolf, Guardians yield 10 experience points.

Guardians swim aimlessly in water, attacking any player or squid they encounter. Their spikes retract when the mob is calm or moving quickly. A Guardian’s eye constantly tracks the nearest player, even if that player lacks armor or is under the effect of Invisibility. However, the Guardian will not engage them. Guardians also monitor players in Creative mode.

Fighting a Guardian

Guardians attack players using a beam: the beam charges for several seconds, changing color from purple to bright yellow. Once fully charged, the beam suddenly disappears and inflicts damage. Guardians will circle around the player until they find an optimal distance to strike. The beam cannot be dodged, but it does not penetrate blocks.

Guardians are quite challenging to defeat in close combat due to the water slowing down the player. You can mitigate this effect by drinking a Water Breathing potion and enchanting your armor with Depth Strider.

Using a bow and arrows against Guardians is effective. Keep in mind that an arrow travels only up to 6 blocks underwater. A Guardian cannot shoot as rapidly as a player with a bow. While it’s possible to attempt melee combat with a Guardian, it requires skill. If a Guardian is swimming in shallow water, players can use a fishing rod to pull it out and then finish it off on land.

Guardian Farm

Guardians frequently spawn in ocean monuments. You can remove the water using a sponge and then build walls around the monument to prevent flooding. Next, destroy the monument and spawn iron golems to eliminate the Guardians, allowing you to collect the dropped items.

While the farm isn’t highly efficient, it does function.

Have fun playing!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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