Chicken [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

09:57, 30.08.2016
Chicken [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will provide information about the chicken in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

Chickens are classified as friendly mobs (they do not attack players even if provoked).

Chicken [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]
Chickens are mobs that spawn naturally on grass in the overworld. The primary purpose of raising chickens is to obtain eggs, chicken meat, and feathers. They typically appear alone but can also spawn in groups of 2-3. Like other friendly mobs, chickens are attracted to light sources. Occasionally, they may jump up and down near torches or other light sources.

Regarding breeding: Chickens, similar to other friendly mobs, can be bred using any type of seeds. Additionally, there is a 1/8 chance that a chick will hatch from a thrown chicken egg. They will follow the player if seeds are held in their hand.

As for chicks:

  • Chicks move faster than adult chickens.
  • It takes 20 minutes for a chick to fully mature.
  • Chicks do not lay eggs and drop nothing upon death, just like other baby animals.
  • Chicks will follow their parents or other adult chickens until they grow up.
  • Chicks are capable of swimming.

That’s all for now.

Happy gaming!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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