Beacon [Minecraft PE Guides]

08:43, 24.09.2016
Beacon [Minecraft PE Guides]

In this guide, I will introduce you to a new block known as the beacon in Minecraft PE.

Beacon [Minecraft PE Guides]Beacon [Minecraft PE Guides]
The beacon is a unique block that provides beneficial effects to nearby players under certain conditions. It is crafted using a Nether star, which drops from defeating the Wither (for more details, see Wither [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]).

Let’s start with the setup. To activate the beacon, you need to arrange precious blocks beneath it in a pyramid shape (diamond, iron, emerald, or gold blocks). Each level of blocks allows for new effects to be activated:

1) Pyramid, 1 layer. (3×3, beacon)
Enables the “Haste” and “Speed” effects. Haste speeds up block breaking, while Speed increases movement speed.

2) Pyramid, 2 layers. (5×5, 3×3, beacon)
Effects: “Resistance” (reduces damage taken), “Jump Boost” (increases jump height).

3) Pyramid, 3 layers. (7×7, 5×5, 3×3, beacon)
Effect: “Strength” (boosts damage dealt).

4) Pyramid, 4 layers. (9×9, 7×7, 5×5, 3×3, beacon)
A new effect called “Regeneration” appears, which activates automatically and restores health.

To save on blocks, if you have multiple beacons, you can combine pyramids:
Beacon [Minecraft PE Guides]


  • A fully constructed pyramid requires 164 blocks.
  • The beacon can also serve as a light source.
Have fun playing!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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