Minecraft Beta .21.60.21

22:32, 30.11.2024
Minecraft Beta .21.60.21

Minecraft Beta and Preview Information

The latest Minecraft Beta and Preview are now live, bringing new features, fixes, and improvements. Keep in mind that these versions are still in development, which means they may have some instabilities and might not fully reflect the final quality. Minecraft Preview can be accessed on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS devices, while the Beta version is available on Android via Google Play. For more details on joining or leaving the beta, head to aka.ms/JoinMCBeta.

Your feedback is crucial for refining these features. You can provide your input on upcoming features at aka.ms/mcgamedropfeedback and report any bugs at bugs.mojang.com.

New Features and Bug Fixes

Accessibility Improvements

  • Narration has been added in the Realms plan picker screen, which helps guide players to additional plan information below the “buy” button.

Blocks Updates

  • Collision detection between moving blocks and mobs has been slightly improved.
  • Sculk Sensors now successfully detect Resin Clumps placed by the Creaking Heart (MCPE-188260).
  • Various plant blocks have been adjusted to render identically to their Java counterparts, resolving inconsistencies (MCPE-40646).
  • Mangrove Leaves no longer display black pixels when the “Fancy Leaves” option is disabled (MCPE-156469).
  • Torchflowers, Pitcher Plants, and Eyeblossoms now increase the likelihood of nearby saplings growing into trees with Beehives.
  • Updated the Exposed Copper Bulb’s Lit Powered texture (MCPE-177105).

Gameplay Enhancements

  • The ability to pause in singleplayer worlds while on the pause screen has been added. This feature can be toggled on or off in Settings under the General section. Please share your thoughts on this addition at aka.ms/mcbedrockpausefeedback.

General Improvements

  • The world spawn point selection has been improved to favor good biomes that may be farther from the world’s origin (MCPE-120237).
  • Introduced a new “Filter Profanity” toggle in Settings, default on for all players. Child accounts and players not signed in cannot change this setting.

Mob Adjustments

  • Creakings crumble if their Creaking Heart is deactivated by commands.
  • Creakings are now persistent like other hostile mobs (MCPE-188352).
  • Breeding improvements include Baby Sheep inheriting mixed wool colors from parents and similar logic for Wolves and Cats inheriting collar colors.

Realms Fixes

  • Player profile pictures in Realms Stories now load more reliably.
  • Fixed issues preventing users from rejoining a Realm using an invite code.
  • Notifications related to Realms Stories can now be hidden via Story Settings.

User Interface Changes

  • Updated the empty space in the center of the D-pad in touch controls, preventing it from acting as a forward button.
  • Players can now set the required number of players for skipping the night to 0% on the Edit World screen.
  • Adjusted wording to make the player sleep requirement clearer.

Vanilla Parity Updates

  • Mobs like Zombies, Creepers, and Endermen now spawn correctly in Mangrove Swamp biomes (MCPE-170183).
  • Updated hitboxes for Lily Pads and Sugar Cane blocks to match Java (MCPE-60826, MCPE-60827).
  • Shears can now be used on Vines to prevent further growth (MCPE-141497).
  • Creepers no longer flash solid white when exploding (MCPE-51809).

Technical Updates

  • Improved API support for JavaScript enums and updated the composting feature for Vanilla items.
  • Updated Editor Tools: Added a Roughen brush to terrain tools and improved the Compass feature to better toggle directions.

Share Your Feedback

Minecraft Beta and Preview continue to evolve, and your feedback is always valuable. Feel free to participate and help shape the game by sharing thoughts on new features or reporting any bugs you come across. Let’s continue making Minecraft even better!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Beta ОS: Windows

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