Minecraft (beta version)

14:28, 13.09.2019
Minecraft (beta version)

The significant update Minecraft for Android devices and other mobile platforms aims to elevate the gaming experience to a whole new level. Numerous adjustments have been made across various aspects, and many previously encountered bugs will no longer pose issues. However, one bug remains unresolved, specifically regarding the import of custom skins into the game. The developers have promised to address this issue in the next update and to do so promptly.

Enhancements in Minecraft for Android

In comparison to Minecraft, the latest version offers enhanced stability across devices of all performance levels. Crashes and minor bugs are unlikely to occur on lower-end phones, and there is improved performance on older mobile devices. This is largely due to optimized graphics rendering and the implementation of new transmission algorithms. Additionally, there are several other significant enhancements that will be immediately noticeable upon launching Minecraft

  • Game crashes during the input of specific commands have been resolved
  • Lower-end devices can now also play sounds from musical blocks
  • A crash that occurred when exiting a multiplayer game has been fixed
  • Issues causing crashes when opening the chat while exiting a multiplayer game have also been addressed
  • Light blocks no longer cause crashes
  • Chunk loading has been improved during flight

Key Fixes in Minecraft for Android

  • A hint has been added to suggest setting up a safe screen zone while playing Minecraft
  • Fixed an issue on Xbox One where players were unable to return to the main menu
  • Resolved the issue with treasure chests not appearing in villages
  • Eliminated a problem that could corrupt created custom worlds

Gameplay Fixes in Minecraft

  • Fixed player getting stuck when trying to swim through a 1-block wide water tunnel
  • Corrected the inventory opening bug while in a boat
  • Players will no longer fall off the edge of a block when sneaking
  • In maps during multiplayer sessions of Minecraft, nearby players will no longer appear as empty blocks.
  • The sounds of arrows hitting players underwater have been fixed.
  • Achievements related to food in MCPE have been corrected.
  • The functionality of the anvil has been improved.

Download Minecraft (beta version) for Android for free

Mob Fixes in Minecraft

  • The behavior of farmers harvesting crops with an empty inventory has been corrected.
  • Turtles and tropical fish no longer sink to the bottom of the water body.

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.13, Bedrock Edition ОS: Android

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