Minecraft (Test version)

17:39, 10.06.2021
Minecraft (Test version)

In the beta release of Minecraft, the developers have introduced a variety of new features and fixes. The most significant change is that, unlike the earlier beta version, the file is now available and ready for download! Now is the perfect opportunity to update!

Updates in Minecraft PE

Скачать Майнкрафт для Android (Тестовая версия)

A new and exciting feature has been introduced in the client Minecraft PE – wax candles. These can be crafted using threads and honeycombs. They come with several unique characteristics and will serve as an additional light source:

  • Can be dyed at a crafting table
  • Suitable for decorating cakes
  • Players can combine them in groups of up to four
  • Candles can be lit in MCBE using flint and steel

Here are the fixes and changes made in the beta version for Android:

  • Fixed character head rotation when using emotes
  • Resolved the issue with goats attacking mobs after ramming
  • Glowing squids now dim after taking damage

Minecraft рабочий xBox Live + Сервера

  • В сборке доступен бесплатный вход в Xbox Live. Без ограничений.

  • Доступны сервера xBox Live, для игры на них достаточно просто сменить ник и начать играть.

Скачать Minecraft для Android (xBox Live + Сервера)
Download [123.94 Mb] downloads: 1023

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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