Minecraft 1.17.32 (Full version)

13:05, 01.10.2021
Minecraft 1.17.32 (Full version)

Similar to the latest regular beta for Android, the full version of Minecraft 1.17.32 is compact, yet it’s definitely worth downloading. The developers have introduced seven significant fixes aimed at eliminating crashes and critical issues in the MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update.

Fixes in Minecraft 1.17.32

Here’s what Mojang has addressed in the Minecraft 1.17.32 release:

  • Resolved intermittent crashes
  • Fixed the issue causing crashes in the Store when navigating through side panels
  • Corrected a bug that prevented content from loading in Minecraft on Android
  • Addressed the spawning issue
  • Fixed errors related to the looting enchantment that were not functioning correctly on mobs
  • In Minecraft, a fix was implemented for map loading on Switch consoles
  • We have improved the flat world generation when the settings for mountains and caves are enabled.

Existing worlds are now properly updated in Minecraft BE. You might notice a minor glitch with the menu icons in the main menu – textures briefly disappear upon launch, but it’s not a major issue. Click the link below to download Minecraft 1.17.31 for free on your phone, and in the meantime, let’s share some interesting facts about axolotls.

What to know about the new mobs

The update introduced these adorable amphibians. They have become the symbol of the first part of the Caves and Cliffs update, quickly winning the hearts of players. Just look at these cuties!

  • While they cannot be tamed, you can technically make them live nearby. These newly introduced creatures are peaceful; use a bucket to scoop one up, then place the axolotl in a pond near your home.
  • Do not leave the little ones without water! They will die after five minutes.
  • Axolotls reside on land during rainfall.
  • In Minecraft PE, there is a breeding system. Feed the amphibians tropical fish, and two will quickly become three.
  • The color of the offspring is randomly determined based on the parents’ coloration.
  • Those who choose to download Minecraft 1.17.31 on their mobile device via the link at the bottom of the page will discover that axolotls take 20 minutes to reach adulthood.
  • By feeding the fry fish, you can accelerate their growth.
  • The rarest type of new mobs is the blue one. The chance of encountering this celestial hue is 0.083%.
  • To feed a domesticated axolotl, you will need a whole bucket of tropical fish.
  • Catching the “food” can be challenging, as these creatures are skittish and tend to flee from players.
  • A different way to obtain food for your pet is to purchase it from a wandering merchant.
  • Baby axolotls do not attack humans, but they may go after other aquatic creatures.
  • Axolotls are not harmed by dolphins or turtles.
  • The developers have implemented a defensive mechanism. When these mobs take damage underwater, they immediately play dead, causing the attacker to lose interest.
  • This allows the amphibian to regenerate and restore its health.
  • If you defeat the aggressor, you will gain a Regeneration effect for a few minutes.

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  • Доступны сервера xBox Live, для игры на них достаточно просто сменить ник и начать играть.

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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