TDPE shaders

10:51, 05.01.2023
TDPE shaders

Looking for a way to enhance the lighting in Minecraft? We suggest checking out TDPE shaders! They will significantly improve the visual quality of the blocky world!

TDPE shaders are true shaders, not just texture packs with similar features in Minecraft BE. Unfortunately, they are not compatible with the latest game versions. However, if you’re playing on earlier versions, we highly recommend installing them.

Features of TDPE Shaders

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The creation comes equipped with a standard set of features. Perhaps the only aspect that might intimidate users in Minecraft on Android is the daytime brightness, which can be overwhelming on certain devices. Therefore, feel free to lower it in Minecraft Bedrock. Here’s what shaders will bring:

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  • Diverse water effects
  • Plant animations
  • Revamped sky (additionally, textures)
  • Enhanced weather effects
  • Improved lighting, including sun rays

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Shaders are currently not functional in Minecraft Bedrock on Windows and do not yet support RenderDragon. Good luck!
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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18 ОS: Android

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