Shaders Shaderless

14:41, 25.03.2021
Shaders Shaderless

The creator of the shaders known as Shaderless is likely familiar to many. After all, he is also the mind behind another set of shaders for MCBE called Mr.Fishy. Trust me, these look just as good, if not better.

Features of Shaderless Shaders

Shaders Shaderless

Shaders Shaderless

Shaders Shaderless

Technically, referring to shaderless shaders as shaders might seem a bit redundant, especially in the context of Minecraft, since their file size is quite small compared to traditional shaders and texture packs. However, the impact they have on Minecraft is truly significant:

  • “Living” water has been implemented
  • MCBE now features richer color tones
  • The overall appearance of weather effects has improved
  • The moon and sun emit a glow
  • The creator has added stunning clouds.

Shaders Shaderless

Shaders Shaderless

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Spectra (.zip)
Download [6.31 Mb] downloads: 59

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16 ОS: Android

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