Shaders Pisces PE

12:52, 03.12.2021
Shaders Pisces PE

With Pisces PE shaders, Minecraft Bedrock Edition will become significantly more vibrant. Keep in mind that these shaders are quite subjective, and some users may not appreciate the high level of contrast in the graphics.

Features of Pisces PE Shaders

Вода | Шейдеры Pisces PE

Pisces PE are ideal for devices that lack sufficient performance in Minecraft. Shaders significantly enhance lighting, add a realistic effect to the sky, deepen color saturation, and create shadows from objects.

Деревня | Шейдеры Pisces PE

In the latest shader update, the creator modified the colors of objects during rain and under both day and night lighting in MCBE. Pisces PE is compatible with nearly all versions of Minecraft. Enjoy your gaming experience!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Pisces PE (.mcpack) [Обязательно!]

Скачать Pisces PE
Download [299.01 Kb] downloads: 35

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, 1.17 ОS: Android

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