Shader Move (Android / iOS)

06:30, 08.07.2019
Shader Move (Android / iOS)

It’s understandable that playing Minecraft on Android/iOS with standard leaves and grass can get dull. You definitely need the shader called “Move (движение)”, which allows the leaves and grass to sway and move. Even if your device is not very powerful, you can still download this shader for Minecraft Pocket Edition!Shader Move (Android / iOS) Shader Move (Android / iOS) Shader Move (Android / iOS) Shader Move (Android / iOS) Shader Move (Android / iOS)

Installing Move (.mcpack)

  • Download the shaders labeled as “.mcpack” from below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the shaders into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to the world settings.
  • For your world, apply the imported:
    Resource Packs.
  • Select the imported shaders in each section.
  • It is advisable to restart the game client of Minecraft PE afterwards.
  • Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the shaders!

Installation of Move (.zip):

  • Download the shaders.
  • Create a folder named «resource_packs» in the directory «games/com.mojang/».
  • Next, extract the shaders from the archive and move only the folder from this archive into the «resource_packs» folder.
  • Go to the settings in Minecraft, then navigate to texture management.
  • Select your shaders.
  • Enjoy your game!

  • Download the shaders.
  • Create a folder named «resource_packs» in the directory «games/com.mojang/».
  • Next, extract the shaders from the archive and move only the folder from this archive into the «resource_packs» folder.
  • Go to the settings in Minecraft, then navigate to texture management.
  • Select your shaders.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Move (.mcpack)
Download [136.36 Kb] downloads: 21

Старая установка (.zip файл)

Скачать шейдеры Move
Download [136.36 Kb] downloads: 2

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

5 comment

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seven + 8 =

  • У меня ничего не работает.Видимо шейдеры конфликтуют с этим текстурпаком.

  • не работает играю с текстурами faintful 32×32 все текстуры стали просто прозрачными !!

  • Все прикрастно работает у меня все шивелиися и совместима с другими шейдер и спасибо вам за такой шейдер:)

  • Очень круто шейдер мне прям зашол всем совнтою кто качает реалестические шейдери

  • Трава и блоки листьев колышутся. А так же двери и люки…)))