Fused Vanilla Shaders

05:26, 20.12.2021
Fused Vanilla Shaders

Fused Vanilla represents a high-quality collection of shaders designed for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. While they come with a “standard” feature set, the most notable aspect is that they were created by a highly skilled content creator within the gaming community.

Features of Fused Vanilla Shaders

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The creator of the Fused Vanilla shaders claims that their creation performs exceptionally well in Minecraft on devices with just 1-2 GB of RAM.

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In addition to the realistic sky and rain in Minecraft, these shaders also enhance the swaying of vegetation, including trees, grass, and flowers. Furthermore, the creator has provided two versions of the shaders. One is designed for more powerful devices, featuring object shadows in MCBE.

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The second option is perfect for average smartphones, as it has no shadows. Naturally, the lighting has been revamped, including that from lava and torches.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Fused Vanilla (.zip) [Обязательно!]

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17 ОS: Android

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