AziFy shaders

11:01, 22.03.2022
AziFy shaders

AziFy Shaders stand out from other textures as they are specifically designed to enhance the “appearance” of Minecraft Bedrock Edition rather than alter it. These shaders perform exceptionally well even on mid-range devices.

Features of AziFy Shaders

Красивый вид | Шейдеры AziFy

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Numerous shaders can be off-putting due to their creators overdoing the brightness in Minecraft. However, AziFy has crafted a shader that strikes the right balance – the visuals are not overly bright but rather vibrant. Additionally, this creation features several other functionalities:

  • Thick clouds
  • A palette with vivid shades
  • Fog removal
  • Rustling plants
  • Reflections on water in Minecraft

Moreover, the creator has incorporated a glow effect for ore blocks in MCBE, ensuring they won’t go unnoticed.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры AziFy (.mcpack) [Обязательно!]

Скачать AziFy
Download [514.12 Kb] downloads: 24

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17, 1.18 ОS: Android

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