Zombie spawner at the start of the game [1.0/0.17.0]

09:00, 10.01.2017
Zombie spawner at the start of the game [1.0/0.17.0]
Zombie spawner at the start of the game [1.0/0.17.0]

We invite you to utilize this seed, where you can effortlessly discover an underground treasure trove, complete with a spawner and a small bonus! This seed is designed for version 0.17.0 or higher.

Your spawn point will be located in an unremarkable area:
Zombie spawner at game start [1.0/0.17.0]

Turn around and head in the following direction:
Zombie spawner at game start [1.0/0.17.0]

There, you will see what’s next. Follow the screenshots:
Zombie spawner at game start [1.0/0.17.0]
Zombie spawner at game start [1.0/0.17.0]

You will find a delightful surprise in the chests, along with a zombie spawner:

  • Coal (7 pieces)
  • Golden apple
  • String (13 pieces)
  • Rotten flesh (3 pieces)
  • Wheat (2 pieces)
  • Bread
  • Beetroot seeds (2 pieces)

Zombie spawner at game start [1.0/0.17.0]

Have fun playing!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.17, 1.0 ОS: Android

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