Seed for Snowy Oasis

10:08, 27.04.2022
Seed for Snowy Oasis
Seed for Snowy Oasis

The stunning Snowy Oasis seed is perfect for survival in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It features numerous essential landmarks that are quite easy to locate – they are definitely worth exploring.

What can be found at the Snowy Oasis seed

Спавн на горе | Сид Снежный Оазис

You will be spawned in Minecraft on a snowy mountain – to your right, you’ll find the highlight of the seed – the Snowy Oasis, a meadow surrounded by icy peaks.

Первая деревня | Сид Снежный Оазис

To your left, you will find the first of five villages situated near the spawn point in MCBE. The other two can be discovered around the icy ring of these frozen mountains.

If you venture further from the spawn, the remaining two villages will generate approximately 300 blocks away in Minecraft BE. Notably, the last of these two villages is located towards the taiga biome.

Разрушенный портал | Сид Снежный Оазис

There, you will also discover a shattered portal on the side.

Все места | Сид Снежный Оазис

Here are some locations you can discover in Minecraft PE while exploring the seed.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18 ОS: Android

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