Ice Biome and Village with a Blacksmith [0.15.x]

08:36, 14.08.2016
Ice Biome and Village with a Blacksmith [0.15.x]
Ice Biome and Village with a Blacksmith [0.15.x]

This seed creates an icy biome close to the spawn point. Nearby, you will find a village featuring a blacksmith. This seed is designed for Minecraft PE 0.15+

Upon generation, you will observe the following:
Icy biome and village with blacksmith [0.15.x]

To locate the icy biome, simply look around as it is very close by:
Icy biome and village with blacksmith [0.15.x]

However, finding the village requires a bit of walking. While facing the icy biome, head left along its edge, and soon you’ll encounter the desired village:
Icy biome and village with blacksmith [0.15.x]

Contents of the blacksmith’s chest include:

  • Bread (4 pieces)
  • Iron ingots (4 pieces)

Icy biome and village with blacksmith [0.15.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.15 ОS: Android

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