Problems with skins

06:00, 20.04.2018
Problems with skins
Clarification on Skin Upload Issues

You may have heard about the challenges faced by other websites regarding skin uploads for Minecraft Pocket Edition, primarily due to concerns over potential viruses.

Fortunately, those issues are now resolved, and skins are available for download. However, we would like to inform you about what transpired and the measures we’ve taken to address this situation.

Any player of Minecraft PE can upload their custom skin in the widely used PNG format to the web service at Another user can then download that skin and apply it to their game. PNG files can contain elements beyond just images, such as metadata that includes details about the tool used to create it, the creation date, the creator’s identity, and more. This means that PNG files might harbor snippets of code from non-PNG files, which unfortunately cannot be interpreted by the game.

While your antivirus software may detect this code and alert you to its presence, the code itself cannot execute independently. Even if it could activate upon downloading, your antivirus would block any attempts to run it.

To ensure the safety of all users of Minecraft PE, developers have implemented a new update ensuring that all skins will consist solely of images without any extraneous content.

Thank you for being with us, and we hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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  • Что делать если у меня скин плохого качества из-за этого Майнкрафта его не принимает

  • Когда пытаюсь скачать скин в мастер для Майнкрафт пи то нажимаю установить скин, потом Майнкрафт пи но он не устанавливается пишет что закройте Майнкрафт перед установкой скина, что делать я не знаю