One of the developers of Minecraft Pocket Edition, specifically Jason Major, has revealed details about an upcoming feature in Minecraft PE 0.15.0.
With the release of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0, players will now receive not only wool but also mutton when they kill a sheep. Referring to the PC version of Minecraft, killing one sheep can yield between 1 to 3 pieces of mutton. More may drop if you use a weapon enchanted with “Looting”.
P.S. These features are based on the PC version of Minecraft. There might be some exclusive content for the PE version.
— Raw mutton restores
— The texture of raw mutton looks like this:
— As usual, meat can be cooked through roasting.
— Cooked mutton drops from regular sheep that have been set on fire.
— Cooked mutton restores
— The texture of cooked mutton appears as follows:
— Cooked mutton can also stack in groups.
— Give it a thumbs up!