Inventory: stick

10:00, 05.04.2020
Inventory: stick

A stick might not be the first item that comes to mind when thinking about the most fascinating items in Minecraft. However, it is undoubtedly one of the most essential items in the game, as nearly every crafting recipe relies on it.

Imagine for a moment what Minecraft would look like without sticks. There would be no pickaxes, swords, shovels, axes, or hoes, meaning we wouldn’t be able to gather resources or cultivate anything. The absence of rails, armor stands, bows, campfires, crossbows, arrows, fishing rods, levers, ladders, paintings, grindstones, fences, torches, and much more would also be felt.Inventory: stick Sticks were introduced into the game quite early—during the Indev version 0.31 update. To craft them, you need to place two wooden planks vertically in the crafting grid. Recently, another type of stick was added—bamboo sticks. They are particularly useful if you’re exploring a bamboo forest.

If you find yourself in a location devoid of trees or bamboo, there are several alternative methods to obtain sticks. You could go fishing and potentially catch a few, although you’ll first need to craft a fishing rod using those very sticks, making this option less than ideal. Occasionally, after defeating a witch, they may drop some sticks, but to take them down, you’ll require a sword, which also necessitates a stick for crafting. The most reliable sources include gathering from dead bushes and leaves if they’ve been destroyed, as well as searching through village chests.

Apart from their primary use in various crafting recipes, sticks can also be utilized as fuel in furnaces. Two sticks can smelt one item, which is handy if you prefer not to waste an entire piece of coal. If you’re unsure where to utilize your surplus, consider trading with the villager fletchers. They will purchase 32 sticks from you in exchange for one emerald.Inventory: stick In the real world, sticks are nearly as essential as they are in Minecraft Bedrock. Our earliest ancestors used them for digging up roots, harvesting crops, and crafting various tools.

Sticks are also utilized in various global martial arts, with Japanese kendo being perhaps the most renowned. Other notable examples include Myanmar’s banshay, Ireland’s bataireacht, Ethiopia’s donga, India’s silambam, Egypt’s tahteeb, and Algeria’s matragh. Sticks serve a purpose in self-defense (when facing light weapon attacks) and are beneficial for training in the use of more lethal weapons.

Additionally, sticks are frequently employed as walking canes. They are not only essential for elderly individuals and those who have difficulty moving independently but are also used by travelers navigating uneven terrain or embarking on long-distance hikes. Historically, canes were fashionable accessories, peaking in popularity during the 18th century before gradually falling out of favor.

One of the most fascinating real-world applications of sticks is in the creation of magic wands. This idea was introduced by the ancient Greek author Homer in his works “Iliad” and “Odyssey,” but it didn’t gain traction until the 1200s, when it experienced a revival in the Latin grimoire “The Book of Abramelin.” Today, both stage magicians and genuine sorcerers carry them as symbols of magical power and as a means to capture the audience’s attention.


Additionally, music conductors utilize sticks (known as “batons”) to indicate specific tempos for the entire orchestra. So, the next time you find yourself conducting an ensemble of musical notes, consider bringing along a stick. It will surely leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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