Industrial insect

10:00, 22.04.2019
Industrial insect

A colossal beetle soaring through the sky looks absolutely amazing; the only thing that could top it is a large metallic airplane shaped like a giant beetle racing across the heavens! “Flight of the Bumblebee” is a Minecraft project crafted by four talented builders who worked on it with the diligence of bees.

The team was led by Squity, an experienced builder who has appeared in our site’s articles before. He shared with us that he discovered a competition for builders to create the most ingenious and unusual structure, and despite his nerves, Squity decided to join in alongside his friends.

Nevertheless, the design of this aircraft didn’t come to them right away; it was challenging to grasp what they truly wanted to create. “We had numerous concepts, so it took a while to pinpoint which assembly would be the most effective,” explains Ranie, one of the builders who collaborated with Squity.


Once they settled on this peculiar insect-like plane, the team divided into their respective specialties for the project. The lead on constructing the surrounding environment was Consue. “She excels at terraforming in Minecraft, which is why she was chosen to shape the landscape for the bee. A coordinator assisted her, and what you see now is the result of Consue’s efforts along with the program,” Squity tells me.

“I am thrilled that I was able to fully implement all my exercises and training in a practical setting. I managed to create a truly powerful landscape that I personally find very appealing,” says Consue. “I’ve always believed that desert terrain is both challenging and enjoyable to work with.”

“Everyone on the team performed flawlessly. We did everything we could to achieve our goal. This thought brings me joy.”

To craft the world far below, she began with a barren rock formation and then added dunes, sand, and hardy vegetation capable of enduring the hot and dry climate. “And as a final touch, I placed everything into World Painter to add some color,” she explains.

This indeed aligns with the backstory shared by Jossi. Apparently, within the bee are individuals seeking refuge from the aftermath of a deadly meteor shower, so it’s no surprise that the land appears inhospitable. Jossi even penned several additional ideas for the ship to enhance the assembly’s effect, but she ultimately chose the name ‘Flight of the Bumblebee.’ Industrial insect Industrial insect Industrial insect But this doesn’t imply that she shirked her responsibilities!” “Jossi is an organic person,” Squity tells me. “She did an amazing job with the legs and rear of the insect, which are crucial details in the overall appearance of the assembly.”

“We had a reference image of the insect, but we kept altering it, going back and adding new elements,” explains Jossi.

“Ranie is exceptional at building structures,” says Squity. “He assisted me in creating mechanical components. Plus, he pays great attention to even the tiniest details, which is what makes him an outstanding builder!”

Ranie neither confirms nor denies this, yet he frequently receives compliments from his peers. “Our teamwork was flawless. We did everything possible to ensure our assembly was of the highest quality.” He mentions that constructing such structures is his favorite activity in Minecraft: “It brings me joy.” Industrial insectFour people worked on the assembly, but it appears as if one person created it due to the remarkable integrity of the structure and the compatibility of its parts! This is what Squity appreciates most. “Personally, I enjoy the fusion of organic and mechanical elements. We managed to blend these two aspects seamlessly. It creates the feeling of a real, flying aircraft, exactly what we aimed for.”

The final phase of the competition involved capturing photographs. It was crucial to achieve high quality and find the perfect angle that would appeal not only to the judges but also to fellow players of Minecraft Bedrock. The responsibility for this task fell on Squity, who, to be honest, excelled beyond expectations; he even filmed a 360-degree video to showcase all aspects of the hard work put in by him and his friends.


He also noted that if you zoom out to view the entire ship, it becomes impossible to distinguish individual blocks! Perhaps, if you get very close to the next bee you encounter in the park, you might unexpectedly discover miniature blocks from Minecraft Pocket Edition? It’s probably best to avoid doing that, as these creatures have quite a sharp sting.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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