Block of the week: Birch wood

10:00, 28.10.2017
Block of the week: Birch wood

What is your favorite tree in the world of Minecraft PE? Perhaps it’s the tall, majestic spruce? Or maybe the laid-back, sunlit acacia? Personally, I find it hard to choose anything other than the beauty of the simple and elegant birch, which also happens to be our block of the week in the realm of Minecraft. What a delightful coincidence.

Birch wood is quite common; you can find and harvest it in most prevalent biomes, and its distinctive white bark is easily spotted from afar. It grows in forests, hills, plains, and there are even special birch forests in MCPE where only birches thrive. You might already know this. However, you may not be aware that there exists a rare biome called “birch forest M“, where incredibly tall birches grow. If you come across one, consider yourself fortunate. Here’s what this biome looks like:
Block of the week: Birch wood

Birches differ from their counterparts – oak and pine – as they only appear in one form. While oak branches sometimes sprout and grow to massive sizes, birches tend to reach a more predictable height, typically between five to seven blocks. This makes birch particularly suitable for indoor gardens within Minecraft Pocket Edition. Each tree has about 50 to 60 leaf blocks, so you’ll need shears if you want to collect a lot of leaves for any reason.

In December 2011, birch trees were introduced in Minecraft Beta 1.2, alongside familiar elements such as sugar cane, squids, and lapis lazuli. Their design was inspired by birches that flourish abundantly in Sweden, where our beloved game was created. But birches aren’t exclusive to Sweden—they grow all over the Northern Hemisphere, from the shores of Greenland to southern Japan.
Block of the week: Birch wood

The resilience of birch against cold allows it to survive in very snowy regions, and its sturdy, light-colored wood is popular for furniture making. In fact, it’s quite likely that your home contains some materials made from birch. It has a pleasant aroma, so much so that you can purchase birch scented soaps, shampoos, and birch sap—a rather popular drink in the northern parts of Europe and Siberia.

Birch is also used as an ingredient in certain medicines, and it can even be fashioned into a type of splint for a broken arm in survival situations. However, this tree does have a darker side, especially if you’re prone to hay fever. Birch pollen is likely the most common cause of tree pollen allergies.

Fortunately, in Minecraft, there are no allergies (at least not until someone creates them). So, you can decorate your home in a birch forest without the risk of constant sneezing while fully enjoying our bright block of the week!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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