Ever thought the Warden should deserve a boss bar, due to the large amount of HP it has (500 HP)? Then this mod is for you.
This mod requires [Fabric API](https://modrinth.com/mod/fabric-api).
**Mod Description**
_Ever thought that the **Warden** should deserve a **boss bar**, because of its large health value (**500** HP)? Well, you came to the right place!_
**Warden Boss Bar**, is a server-sided Minecraft mod for the **Fabric Loader**, that, like the title, adds a **boss bar** to the **Warden** entity. So, if a player is within 200 blocks of a Warden, the boss bar will appear in their game window; and if a player is more than 200 blocks away from the Warden (or it dies), the boss bar will be removed. Note that there will be a boss bar per Warden – so if **5** Wardens are within 200 blocks of a player, then the player’s game window will contain **5** of the bars (the vanilla boss bar count limit is **7** – check out [this](https://modrinth.com/mod/bossbar-stack) mod that makes vanilla boss bars compact).
For a visual of this mod, please check out this mod’s **[Gallery Tab](https://modrinth.com/mod/warden-boss-bar/gallery)**.
This mod is required to be installed onto the server for it to function, but users can also install it **ONLY** onto their client, so it will function in single-player worlds, but not on public servers.
If you want, you can support me by donating with the link on this page.