The mod known as Midnight (Vanilla Twilight) does not introduce significant alterations to Minecraft, yet it brings a plethora of new mobs. You will encounter them in various locations throughout the game.
Features of the Vanilla Twilight Mod
Here are the creatures that will appear in Minecraft for Android if you download the mod:
- Enhanced villagers capable of defending villages – mages, archers, swordsmen
- Goblins
- Mimics
- Hagbats
- Nymphs
- Basilisks
- Cobold wolves
- Giants
- Werewolves
- Necromancers
- Giant spiders: can be tamed with rotten flesh
- Cobalts
Update 1.1.8
New creatures have been introduced in Minecraft BE:
- Minotaurs
- Trolls
- Centaurs
- Walking Mushrooms
- Ogres
- Orcs
- Satyrs – neutral merchant mobs
For the Midnight mod (Vanilla Twilight) to function properly, it is necessary to enable experimental settings in MCBE. Enjoy your gaming experience!
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